- Awareness and information campaigns for medical staff and young mothers, organized in maternity hospitals in Bucharest, through trainings and seminars supported by medical staff interacting with mothers and their children in maternity clinics, and providing leaflets, books and other materials to present the risk of excessive television consumption on young children 0-3 years (click on flayer).
- Making a study that presents the risk excessive viewing of virtual environments on children (especially small children), and the presentation of this study to the National Audiovisual Council, in order to oblige all television stations devoted to children, to submit periodically (at every 30 minutes), brief parenting briefs about excessive television consumption on neuropsychiatric development of children (click on study);
Campaigns for awareness and information of staff, parents, preschool and school children, organized in public schools in Bucharest and Ilfov County by posters, leaflets, books and other materials for presenting the risk of excessive use of virtual environments on neuropsychiatric development of children and adolescents.
Conducting forming classes and training for parents and specialists working with children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders.
All schools and kindergartens in Bucharest and Ilfov County can contact us by email contact@stopautismvirtual.ro or by phone: 0762818124, for the organization of lectures and seminars that present the risk of excessive television consumption on young children 0-3 years old. Supporting these courses and seminars is included in the Stop Virtual Autism Campaign, and is free of charge at your request.
The presentation is about 60 minutes long, supported by psychologist .Marius Teodor Zamfir and is called “Genetics, Neurology and Child Development Psychology. From Adequate Stimulation to Virtual Autism “. This is particularly aimed at parents, teachers and peers working or interacting with children.
Virtual autism is being treated!
Mr. Marius Zamfir looks closely at the reported cases and works with the affected children for their treatment.